Social Security rights
Dental services at Poonnakan Dental Clinic, Hat Yai, are covered by social security. No out-of-pocket payment is required. Services include fillings, tooth extraction, scaling, and wisdom tooth removal.
Social Security Beneficiaries Only need one ID card to receive dental care covered by social security at a cost of 900 baht, without any additional payment.
Services covered include tooth extraction, fillings, scaling, and wisdom tooth removal.
Beneficiaries are entitled to receive medical services up to the actual cost of 900 baht per person per year. Details, criteria, and conditions are specified by the Social Security Office.

Social Security Beneficiaries and Dental Prosthesis Services
1. In the case of removable partial dentures, beneficiaries are entitled to receive medical services and denture costs up to the actual expenses, within a limit of 1,500 baht, within a period of 5 years from the date of denture placement, based on the following criteria:
1.1 For cases involving 1-5 teeth, the limit is up to 1,300 baht based on actual expenses and necessity.
1.2 For cases involving more than 5 teeth, the limit is up to 1,500 baht based on actual expenses and necessity.
2.In the case of complete removable dentures, beneficiaries are entitled to receive medical services and denture costs up to the actual expenses, within a limit of 4,400 baht, within a period of 5 years from the date of denture placement, based on the following criteria:
2.1 For complete upper or lower dentures, the limit is up to 2,400 baht based on actual expenses and necessity.
2.2 For complete upper and lower dentures, the limit is up to 4,400 baht based on actual expenses and necessity.
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Dentist Consultation.